Open API


API integrations via Zapier

Zapier makes it easy to sync data between different web apps, so you don't have to code to connect Checkvist with other tools, like Evernote or Asana.

Checkvist provides Open API which can be used for integration with other tools. The API offers only limited functionality, though allows both read and write operations. If you have questions regarding OpenAPI, feel free to join Checkvist OpenAPI group.

Checkvist API uses REST principles for obtaining and updating data. Most read operations can return either XML or JSON response.

To emulate HTTP request methods like PUT or DELETE, you can use POST method and pass additional parameter _method with the required method name.

For XML response, the main part of the URL shall end with .xml suffix. For example:

For JSON response, the corresponding request should end with .json suffix.

Authentication (for non-public lists)

If your HTTP client can handle basic HTTP authentication, you can use it to identify the user working with Checkvist API. As a password, you can use either real password of the user, or user can use Remote API key obtained from user profile page.

As a better approach, you can use a token-based authentication. In this case, you should obtain a token first, and than pass it to all API calls either under token parameter, or in X-Client-Token HTTP header.

The token is valid only within a limited period of time (1 day). After that, within 90 days, the token can be refreshed with a special refresh_token call. Old token is deleted after that, and the new one returned.

To obtain the token, you should use the following API call:

get/post /auth/login.json?version=2
  • username - User login (email)
  • remote_key - User's remote API Key from profile page (or user password)
  • token2fa - see below about 2-step verification
Returns a JSON object with the token key. If authentication failed, returns HTTP status 403 Forbidden.

Ahd here is the refresh_token call, which allows to get the new token without providing username/remote_key.

get/post /auth/refresh_token.json?version=2
  • old_token - Previously obtained token
Returns a JSON object with the token key. If authentication failed (bad old_token), returns HTTP status 403 Forbidden.

If user has 2-step verification enabled, API calls for obtaining the token should use Remote API key. Otherwise they should also contain 2-factor authentication code from the authentication app as the parameter token2fa.

User information

To obtain information about the current user, use the following API call:

get /auth/curr_user.(json|xml)
Returns currently logged-in user JSON/XML data in the body.

Working with checklists

Get list of user checklists

get /checklists.(json|xml)
  • archived - If set to true, returns archived lists
  • order - id:asc or id:desc or updated_at:asc - allows to override the sorting
  • skip_stats - If true, the request will be executed faster, at the price of missing stats about number of users/tasks in each list
For JSON call, javascript array of JSON representations for user checklists. Sorting is the same as in user's Checkvist UI (default - recently updated checklists first). See checklist data fields.
For XML request:

Get checklist information

get /checklists/checklist_id.(json|xml)
JSON/XML representation for the checklist with given ID. See checklist data fields.

Create a checklist

post /checklists.(json|xml)
  • checklist[name] - checklist name
  • checklist[public] - 0|1 (optional)
JSON/XML representation for the created checklist. See checklist data fields.

Update a checklist

put /checklists/checklist_id.(json|xml)
  • checklist[name] - checklist name
  • checklist[public] - 0|1 (optional)
Update checklist name/public status. Returns JSON/XML representation for the updated checklist. See checklist data fields.

Delete a checklist

delete /checklists/checklist_id.(json|xml)
Delete the checklist (with all its data). Returns JSON/XML representation for the deleted checklist. See checklist data fields. Actually, at the moment of the call, the list is marked for deletion only. Actual data deletion occurs later, once a day.

Working with list items

Get list items

get /checklists/checklist_id/tasks.(json|xml)
  • with_notes - If set, the result will contain information about notes added to the tasks
  • order - id:asc or id:desc or updated_at:asc - allows to override the sorting
List of representations for the list items of checklist with given ID. List items are sorted by parent_id, position. For JSON, returns a javascript array of items. For XML, returns a structure like below:
get /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id.(json|xml)
  • with_notes - If set, the result will contain information about notes added to the tasks
List of XML/JSON representations for the given task and its parents. Original list item is the first, and than go parents, one after another, till the root parent task.

Create list items

post /checklists/checklist_id/tasks.(json|xml)
  • task[content] - task text
  • task[parent_id] - id of the parent task (optional)
  • task[tags] - comma-separated list of tags to set on the task
  • task[due_date] - due for the task, in Checkvist's smart syntax format'
  • task[position] - 1-based position of the task (omit to add to the end of the list)
  • task[status] - task status (optional)
JSON/XML representation for the created task.
post /checklists/checklist_id/import.(json|xml)
  • add_files[1],add_files[2] - can contain file attachment data for PRO users
  • checklist_id - May have format 'tag:tagname' in this case the first user list tagged with tagname will be chosen for the operation
  • import_content - list items in the same format, as supported by Checkvist's import function.
  • import_content_note - If present, content of the field becomes the note for the first created list item
  • parent_id - Optional ID of the parent list item
  • parse_tasks - If present, recognize ^due and #tags syntax in imported list items
  • position - Optional 1-based position for the first imported list item
  • replace_existing - danger - replace the whole content of the list with imported content
  • separate_with_empty_line - if set to 'singleItem', all text is imported as a single list item. If set to any other value, import will separate the list items with an empty line. By default (not set), each line is treated as a separate list item
  • status - Optional status for the first imported task; can be 0,1,2
Created list items, organized to hierarchy according to input data.
List items are added to the beginning of the target list.
For JSON, returns a javascript array of tasks. For XML, returns a structure like below:

Update list item information

put /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id.(json|xml)
  • task[content] - new task text
  • task[parent_id] - new parent_id task
  • task[tags] - comma-separated list of tags to set on the task
  • task[due_date] - due for the task, in Checkvist's smart syntax format'
  • task[position] - 1-based position of the task
  • task[assignee_ids] - User ID(s) of the task assignee (optional)
  • parse - If true, recognize ^due and #tags syntax in the updated item
  • with_notes - If set, the result will contain information about notes added to the tasks
Updates the task information and returns JSON/XML representation for it. This method won't change task status.


The following actions allow to change task status. You can

  • change status of individual task (for leaf tasks only)
  • for non-leaf tasks, status of its children will be changed. In Checkvist, the status of a non-leaf task is defined as a cumulative status of its children.

Available status change actions are

  • close
  • invalidate (in Checkvist UI, such tasks are marked with italics)
  • reopen

These actions are presented in the final part of action URL below, like close.xml or invalidate.json. The performed action corresponds to the action name.

post /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/action.(json|xml)
Updates the task status and returns representation for it and for its children. XML sample:
For JSON, javascript array of tasks is returned. If there are no children, only one element is returned under the tasks node and only one element in resulting JSON array.

Set repeating task information

post /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/repeat.(json|xml)
  • repeat[period] - daily|weekly|monthly|yearly
  • repeat[period_count] - it is '5' in repeat every 5 weeks (optional, default 1)
  • repeat[start_date] - the start date for the first repeating due
  • repeat[end_date] - the end date for the repeating due (optional)
Sets the repeating task information and returns the updated task.

Delete list item

delete /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id.(json|xml)
Deletes the list item including its children and returns the deleted list item representation.

Working with notes

Get task notes

GET /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/comments.(json|xml)
Get list of existing notes for the task with id task_id. Data format is similar to the case, when notes are included into the task data.

Create a note for a task

POST /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/comments.(json|xml)
  • comment[comment] - comment text
Creates a new note for the task with id task_id and returns created note

Update a note

PUT /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/comments/note_id.(json|xml)
  • comment[comment] - comment text
Updates note text for a note with id note_id and returns created note

Delete a note

DELETE /checklists/checklist_id/tasks/task_id/comments/note_id.(json|xml)
Delete a note with id note_id and returns deleted note

Checklist representation

JSON and XML representations of a checklist have the following fields:

public (boolean)
true for checklist which can be accessed in read-only mode by anyone. Access to such checklists doesn't require authentication.
1-author, 2-writer, 3-reader
timestamp when checklist was updated the last time (includes updates to tasks, but excludes updates to comments). For XML requests the timestamp is formatted according to ISO 8601. For JSON requests the date is formatted like 2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000 (and can be parsed by javascript's Date class)
[JSON] Javascript hash from tag name => isPrivate status of the tag
[JSON] Comma-separated list of tag names
total number of leaf tasks
number of completed leaf tasks
true if user access is read only in this list
true if user archived this this (user-visible setting)

Checklist XML example

    <name>EAP checklist</name>

Task representation

Task content
0-open, 1-closed, 2-invalidated
Containing checklist ID
Parent task ID. Empty for root-level tasks (or 0 in case of JSON output)
Number of notes for this task
1 - based position of the task under its parent
Attribute is present only after task deletion (and has value true). In other cases information about deleted tasks is not included to results.
[JSON] Javascript array of IDs of assignees of the task
[JSON] Javascript array of children task IDs
[JSON] Javascript hash from tag name => isPrivate status of the tag
[JSON] Comma-separated list of tag names
[JSON] Information about last change in the task (text string like 'updated by kir')
[JSON] Timestamp of the last change in the task (like 2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000, can be passed to javascript Date object). May be empty string if the task was never updated.
[JSON] When the list item was created
When with_notes parameter is set to "true", this field contains a list of notes added to this task. The list of fields for each note is described below. For XML, there is a node <notes> with subnodes <node>. For JSON, property nodes refers to Javascript array of note objects.

Task XML example

      <content>Root task</content>
      <parent_id nil="true"></parent_id>
      <notes type="array"/>

Note representation

Note text
Containing task ID
ID of user who added this note
username of a user who added this note
Timestamp of the last change of the note (like 2005/02/01 15:15:10 +0000, can be passed to javascript Date object)
Timestamp of the note creation (same format as above)

Note XML example

<note type="Comment">
  <comment>some note1</comment>